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Data Collection & Annotation Services
Scalable Multilingual Voice & Text Data Collection Services
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Large Scale Multilingual Crowd Resources

Your machine learning projects depend on data to train and test your models. The difference between high quality data and mediocre or free sourced data can make or break your project. We provide high quality, painstakingly hand crafted voice and text data that yields the best results for your model in production. Let’s discuss your requirements in detail.

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Multilingual Data Collection and Sourcing Services

Speech and Audio

We provide high quality multilingual speech data at scale for your ML projects. With resources in over 130+ languages, we are able to accommodate languages and dialects that are considered rare and difficult to source. Whether you required conversational audio, media content or scripted audio, we offer speech data collection across a number of frequencies.

Text Training Data

Text training data for NLP models requiring accurate and domain-specificity. We offer English and multilingual text training data for over 130+ languages, as well as different dialects of languages, produced by in-country speakers. Large volumes of text data is needed to properly train an NLP model, Hybrid Lynx offers the scale of text data collection.

Machine Translation Training Data

Like other NLP applications, machine translation (MT) requires large volumes of good quality translated data to produce good quality translated output. We offer our custom and pre-made machine translation training data for rare and difficult to source, as well as common languages, for several verticals. Your machine translation application needs the right engine to perform at its best.

Chatbot Training Data

Multilingual chatbot training data for accurate and native sounding chatbots and digital assistants for legal, healthcare, education and technology domains that is cost effective and scalable. Whether you are offering an FAQ type interaction or a question answering solution, we can train your chatbot with a highly relevant and quality dataset that covers all languages involved.

Handwritten Text

We deliver handwritten text in a variety of languages based on the requirements of your machine learning project. The handwritten text delivered reflects a large variety of natural handwriting styles and text clarity. This scalable service allows your machine learning models to learn from a variety of handwritten scripts in the languages that users will use to interact with the system.

Intent Management

Users of NLP applications interact with them in different ways. When they want something, they say different things. This is true in English as well as other languages. We offer collecting data on intents from large pools of speakers across a large variety of languages. Get your model the right intent data to produce quality output.

Text Summarization

If your application produces shorter summaries of text that it processes, you will need datasets of summarized text in one or more languages. NLP applications, in particular, deep learning based models require large amounts of summarized training data. We offer off-the-shelf and custom data summarization solutions across low resource and common languages.

Call Center Data

We offer agent and customer conversational training data for NLP applications with the goal of deployment in a customer service or contact center environment. The data includes both IVR and live agent interaction dialogues in over 30 languages. The call data is unscripted and recorded in a number of natural environments.

Multilingual NLP Training Data Processing

Audio Transcription

We provide large scale transcription for audio files of different frequencies across 130+ languages. Our team can work on your platform or use our own to create an accurately annotated transcript for your ML model. We support transcript formats across multiple platforms, annotating events, entities and relations as required by your model.

Text Labeling

Text labeling involves annotating text to identify the type of text or specific bits of text. This allows your NLP models to understand the text and process it. Properly labelled data can make a big difference. Considered an important step in your NLP pipeline, we make it easy for you to have the right labeled data for production inference.

Text Classification

Whether you require search engine results to be classified or you need sentiment analysis for user feedback, our team will provide multilingual text classification for your machine learning models. As part of a supervised learning approach to your project, we deliver painstakingly accurate text classification to get it right the first time.

Audio Classification

Annotators listen to an audio file and identify its content, classify it into one of the different categories that are either pre-determined or discovered from the audio. Examples include identifying topics discussed in an audio, the type of content in audio such as music, news, natural conversations or identifying background audio such as chatter, nature etc.

Entity Recognition

We offer multilingual named entity recognition (NER) service. Our annotators go through large volumes of text in their own language and identify entities such as people's names, places, references and much more. Machine learning models can benefit from our named entity recognition to understand the content much better and infer more accurately in a production environment.

Handwritten Text Transcription

Applications such as optical character recognition (OCR) processors require large datasets of typed text to understand handwritten scripts. We offer transcription of handwritten text in over 130+ languages. Handwritten transcription is helpful for machine learning models to learn how to recognize text across a variety of scripts and writing styles, in the language in which it was written.

Data Sourcing Process

We follow a standard process for sourcing data, which provides an end to end map of how project is implemented.


Specifications development


Resource Assignment


Project Implementation


Submission to client

Let's Get Started Today

You have an amazing project, you have done the hardwork of coding the algorithm. Let's talk about how we can get you the right data to train your algorithm and make your project successful.

    Case Studies

    S2T Transcription

    A technology client needed 1800 hours of speech in multiple languages transcribed and annotated. Our team quickly designed the process, allocated production resources and executed the plan with the client's timeline and budget. The project was successfully delivered.

    Handwriting Collection

    Our client's ML algorithm needed 5000 samples of handwritten text across 12 languages in various formats. Our team assigned the resources and identified the content. Over a period of 1 month we executed the project and submitted our deliverable to our client.

    Search Engine Result Classification

    A Silicon Valley firm required that their client's search application be trained using text classification. This project required a very large number of qualified resources, we implemented this multilingual project on our client's platform based on their specifications and budget.