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S02E21: Principles and Benefits of Quality Management Systems for LSCs

Hybrid Lynx > Podcast  > S02E21: Principles and Benefits of Quality Management Systems for LSCs

S02E21: Principles and Benefits of Quality Management Systems for LSCs

In this episode of the Translation Company Talk we sit down with Leigh Marshall Turgut, Quality & Compliance Manager from CQ fluency and she talks to us about the principles and benefits of a Quality Management System, the different definitions of Quality within a language translation company. Quality is something we all promise our clients and clients naturally assume every vendor delivers translation with optimum quality, but how do we measure quality? Like in any industry quality issues can arise, particularly with the something as subjective as language.
Leigh is a veteran industry expert,having occupied multiple roles within localization, she eventually found her niche in Quality & Compliance, and now oversees and aims to grow that function at CQ fluency. In this interview we cover many topics, including the definition of quality in product, process and perception by client in addition to many other interesting topics
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Focus on the things that matter most, if you care about quality then embrace your quality department and the guidance of your quality team. They are on your side, they are basically your internal consultants on how the company and the process function.

Leigh Marshall Turgut

Topics Covered

Role of quality in translation and localization

Basic ingredients of quality within a language translation company

What is a QMS and why is it important?

Translation product quality versus process quality

Translation quality standards


Hybrid Lynx
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